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Covid 19


To ensure that we adhere to government guidelines and for the safety of all our gymnasts, parents and coaches please note the following:


Covid 19 and Data protection update:


It may be necessary in the event that a gymnast, customer or a member of staff tests positive for Covid, it may be necessary for us to pass your details onto the governments track and trace system. We may also use your details to enable us to contact parents directly to inform them of a Covid case and that we may need to close the club for a period of 14 days. 


Covid 19 and what you should do in the event of you feeling unwell.


Should a gymnast or member of staff present with any symptoms of Covid such as high temperature, cough, loss of taste or any other symptom. We please ask you to stay away from the club for a period of 7 days. We please ask you to seek advice from a doctor. If you are advised to take a test we please ask you to keep us informed and tell us if there is a positive test so that we can contact the governments track and trace system and contact the necessary parents to inform them of our procedures in the event of us having to temporarily closing the club.


If you have been given a poitive Covid 19 test we may ask that you only return to the gym once you have fully recovered and received a negative test. We may ask to see the test results. 

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